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Titolo: From the Parade Child to the King of Chaos
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: The Complex Journey of William Doll, Teacher Educator
Autore: Hongyu Wang
Formato: Tascabile
EAN: 9781433134104
ISBN: 9781433134104
Publisher: Peter Lang Publishing Inc
Genere: Biography
Soggetto: Society & Culture, Children's Learning & Education, History
Data di pubblicazione: 07/10/2016
Anno di pubblicazione: 2016
Description: From the Parade Child to the King of Chaos depicts the pedagogical life history of an extraordinary teacher educator and internationally renowned curriculum scholar, William E. Doll, Jr. It explores how his life experiences have contributed to the formation and transformation of a celebrated teacher educator. From the child who spontaneously led a parade to the king of chaos who embraces complexity in education, complicated tales of Doll’s journey through his childhood, youth, and decades of teaching in schools and in teacher education are situated in the historical, intellectual, and cultural context of American education. Seven themes are interwoven in Doll’s life, thought, and teaching: pedagogy of play, pedagogy of perturbation, pedagogy of presence, pedagogy of patterns, pedagogy of passion, pedagogy of peace, and pedagogy of participation. Based upon rich data collected over six years, this book demonstrates methodological creativity in integrating multiple sources and lenses. Profoundly moving, humorous, and inspirational, it is a much-needed text for undergraduate and graduate courses in teacher education, curriculum studies, theory and practice of teaching and learning, life history studies, chaos and complexity theory, and postmodernism.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 225mm
Lunghezza: 150mm
Peso: 330g
Serie: Complicated Conversation
Title Format: Paperback

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