A beautiful example of an antique Lilihan rug featuring a pale orange field framed by a tan color main border and two light turquoise guard borders.The field design consists of two elaborate floral patterns on each end connected to two floral patterns and a small medallion separating them.The shades in this rug are very interesting like orange for energy and enthusiasm,green representing nature and new beginning,blue for serenity and calmness and other hues that makes this antique rug like a woven panting not to mention the pleasing patina that has developed through ages.

 This rug has a very low pile and is evenly worn consistent with its age. there are areas of slight touch ups to blend the colors.There are no restorations found on this rug,sides are original and left alone,there are new fringe on each end added later,all dyes are organic and knots are really fine.Estimated time to hand made this rug is about 925 hours!