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Titolo: Fables Compendium Three
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Mark Buckingham, Bill Willingham
Formato: Tascabile
EAN: 9781779510358
ISBN: 9781779510358
Publisher: DC Comics
Genere: Manga
Data di pubblicazione: 24/08/2021
Description: After the great War - the great crossover! This compendium captures all the branching fables that intersect our heroes stories - from Jack of Fables and The Literals, to the classic short story Werewolves of the Heartland. This volume compiles everything missing from the first two volumes to complete the fables collection for any fan. Contains: Fables #83-113; Jack of Fables #33-35; The Literals #1-3; Fables: Werewolves of the Heartland #1.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 259mm
Lunghezza: 168mm
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2021

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