Ladies and Gentlemen!
           I present to you the original tunic and pants of the Colonel of the KGB of the USSR.
                                    The uniform is in good condition, 100 % original
                                                 The jacket has minor damage.
                       There are small holes behind the epaulets, and vertical line on the back
                                                       See the pictures, please.

Jacket Dimencion        
Shoulders  - 42 cm - 16,5"
                                                                 Length  - 72 cm - 28,3"
                                                                 Sleeve  -  63 cm - 24,8"
                                                                 Chest  - 100 cm - 39,3"
                                                                       Pants Dimencion

                                                      Belt - 86 cm - 33,8 inches
                                              Length - 98 cm + 14 cm straps - 38,5 inches + 5,5"