Ulteriori informazioni

Titolo: Vixen NYC Volume Three
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Jasmine Walls
Ilustración: Manou Azumi
Contribuyente: Manou Azumi (Illustrated by)
Formato: Tascabile
ISBN-10: 1779522959
EAN: 9781779522955
ISBN: 9781779522955
Publisher: DC Comics
Genere: Graphic Novels
Data di pubblicazione: 05/12/2023
Description: Navigating your first year of college is hard—just imagine having to navigate newfound superpowers at the same time!

Mari's first year of college is full of exciting new things—she's just reconnected with her extended family, moved to New York City, and is ready to step into her power. And with the ancestral totem her family passed down, her "power" is about to mean a whole lot more! 

Turns out this family heirloom also can give you the powers of the animal kingdom?! Now it's up to Mari to learn how to use her powers and protect the world around her!
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 229mm
Lunghezza: 153mm
Larghezza: 11mm
Peso: 403g
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2023

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