Want a better tone pot?  Want a Varitone but don't want the size or chickenhead?  Introducing the StepsTONE, the Varitone in a pot.  Rolls just like a regular tone pot but provides 14 distinct tone settings from bypass to .047 and in between.  Constructed on your choice of a  Bourns A250k or A500k 3/8" Dual Gang Brass Short Shaft; or, Alpha for Imports A250k or A500k 7mm Dual Gang Pot, the StepsTONE rolls in smoothly the tone value you desire, from light to medium to deeper tones.  
The following values are available on the roll:
  • Bypass (no tone);
  • .004uF (4nF);
  • .0075uF (7.5nF);
  • .011uF(11nF);
  • .014uF (14 nF);
  • .017uF (17nF);
  • .019uF (19nF);
  • .022uF (22nF);
  • .024uF (24nF);
  • .027uF (27nF);
  • .031uF (31nF);
  • .035uF (35nF);
  • .043uF (43nF); and,
  • .047uF (47nF).
Again, works just like a regular tone pot but provides 14 usable tones.  Seamlessly rolls in the tone you desire.  Light tones, medium tones, deeper tones, you have it all in the StepsTONE.  Works with Strats, Les Paul's or any guitar, use 1 or 2 StepsTONE's, it comes with easy installation instructions.  Revolutionary, the StepsTONE will enhance your guitar play, only from Shotvalve.