Mare milk powder Mare's Milk Total 17.64 oz


25g x 25pcs

Dry Whole Mare Milk

Dried Milk

Horse Milk Powder

100% organic

Freeze Dried 100% Natural Powdered Mare's Milk 500g./ 17.64 oz - with Multy Vitamins & Microelements, Low Fat, Gluten-Free, Non GMO - Supports Metabolism, Helps with GI Disorders, and Allergies.

Mare milk powder 100% organic product

Ingredients of Mare's milk SAUMAL Kymyz Koumiss

Horse milk

Our ancestors, using saumal for medicinal purposes, could not scientifically explain why it is so beneficial for the body. But thanks to the development of science and carried out numerous international studies, we now know what exactly makes SAUMAL® so useful and unique for humans.

Any milk from mammals has the following composition:

proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, and water.

Proteins are represented by casein and whey proteins. In turn, whey protein consists of lactoglobulin, lactalbumin, albumin, immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, lysozyme, etc.

Indications for use of mare's milk in gastroenterology and hepatology:

- Alcoholic liver disease: alcoholic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis;

- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: liver steatosis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and liver cirrhosis caused by non-alcoholic steatohepatitis;

- Chronic viral B, C and D hepatitis, and viral liver cirrhosis;

- Chronic gastritis and duodenitis;

- Gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;

- Chronic pancreatitis;

- Intestinal dysbiosis syndrome;

- Dysfunction of bile ducts.

Displaying an amazing composition of mare's milk, it is worth telling about its striking similarity to the breast milk, since that similarity gives reasons to consider mare's milk as a substitute for the breast milk in case of problems with breast-feeding (dysregulation of the processes of breast milk production, lactose digestion problems, individual intolerance to proteins of casein group), and as a supplemental feeding for infants.

Presence of tryptophan, an essential amino acid (carrier of antibodies), in mare’s milk, as well as a rich mineral content (iodine, calcium, magnesium, ferrum...) give the reason to include mare's milk in the food of absolutely healthy children; it contributes to saturation of their bodies with necessary elements and building strong immunity. The unique composition comprising vitamins, proteins, fats and micro-elements prevents both lack of important elements in child's body and the probability of oversaturation.

Basic indications for children to use SAUMAL®:

Intolerance to cow's milk protein;

Intolerance to cow's milk;

Necessity to introduce supplemental feeding for infants;

Chronic diseases causing body weight deficit and depletion, respiratory diseases;

Increased mental and physical exertion (during the period of adaptation to school and/or kindergarten).

Ingredients: 100 % organic dry whole mare’s milk. Pasteurized and dehydrated using the advanced freeze-drying method. Recommended for all ages. Not recommended for people with food intolerance to dry component.

Packed in a vacuum sealed bag. Expiration date of unopened vacuum bag: 24 months from the date of manufacture. Once opened, use contents within 20 days. Store in a dry place with an ambient temperature of from -20C  to +27  C.

Please avoid excessive heat and direct sunlight exposure.

Instructions for use: Open the pack along the cutting line as shown on the picture. Open ziplock bag. Pour 200 ml of warm drinking water into the glass. Add 3 tablespoons of Saumal and stir until dissolved.

Net weight: 500 g (17 oz).

How to prepare SAUMAL®?

To restore the natural content of mare’s milk, it is recommended to dilute SAUMAL® with water in the following portions:

3 tablespoons
of powder
20-22 g
1 glass
of lukewarm water
360) 200 ml

Comparison of the composition of Mare’s, breast’s and cow’s milk per 100 ml.

More than 40 useful substances needed by the body

Amino acids, fats, and enzymes
Lysozyme, amylase




Product description

Have you heard of mare's milk and its benefits?

Mare's milk "Saumal" has been around for ages, being used by Eurasian nomads since ancient times.

Mare's milk by OrganyLife is a unique biological product. Mare's milk has better properties than any other milk. The composition of any type of milk includes two groups of proteins: whey proteins and caseins. The casein group does not dissolve in water, forming clots during digestion, and is not always effectively absorbed by the body. This results in gastrointestinal tract disorders and allergic reactions. Whereas, whey proteins are digested much easier.

The healing properties of mare's milk also helps with metabolism and contribute to faster recovery from illness .

The advantages of mare's milk are based on its composition that consists of the 40 biological components:

Amino acids


Enzymes: lysozyme, amylase.

Microelements: Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron, Magnesium, Copper, Iodine, Sulfur, Cobalt, Zinc, Silicon, Bromine.

Vitamins: A, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, E, H, PP, Beta-Carotene, Folic Acid, and many others.

In addition, mare's milk, in comparison with cow's milk, has half as much protein. This makes mare's milk closest to human breast milk and thus, can be used as infant formula.

To get the maximum benefits from mare's milk, you need to know how to properly use it.

When using mare's milk it is extremely important to observe dosages and the frequency of intake. Begin drinking mare’s milk at servings of 100 mls daily and then gradually increase to 250 mls.

100% natural!

Packed in a sealed vacuum bag. Expiration date: 24 months from the date of production. Production date is indicated on the buttom of the container. Store in dry place, at a temperature from -20 C to +27 C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. After opening the vacuum bag, store in the refregirator for no more than 20 days. To preserve valuable properties, its recomended to close zip lock tightly during storage. 

Kumis Koumiss

  • ✅ HORSE MILK POWDER is a biologically active milk product without added colorants, preservatives or flavorings. Based on its physical and chemical properties, powdered horse milk bears a resemblance to breast milk..
  • ✅ FREEZE DRIED MILK Thanks to the freeze drying technology that we use, this powdered milk preserves vitamins, minerals and proteins at any time of the year. It is recommended for inhabitants of megacities, who by virtue of their habitat, do not have the opportunity to buy fresh mare's milk immediately after milking..
  • ✅ BENEFITS OF HORSE MILK Horse milk supports the body during recovery after surgery, helps to reduce stress, gives the body more energy, and increases vitality and the body's resistance to diseases..
  • ✅ SUGAR FREE POWDERED MILK Thanks to its physiological, balanced, and intragenic composition, it is easily digested and can be used in dietary regimens when a particularly gentle diet is required..
  • ✅ ORGANIC POWDER MILK is great for use as a food additive, as an ingredient in dry mixes, or for use as liquid milk. It can also be used for cooking and baking.

The benefit of mare's milk is due to its unique composition. This
product has been used for a long time as a remedy for problems
with metabolism and colds. In addition, this drink contributes to
the cure of various cancers.

The advantages of mare's milk are a result of the 40 biological
components that make up its composition:

* Amino acids
* Fats
* Enzymes (lysozyme, amylase)
* Microelements (calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron,
magnesium, copper, iodine, sulfur, cobalt, zinc, silicon,
* Vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, E, H, PP, beta-carotene, folic

This product, in comparison with cow's milk, includes half as
much protein and two thirds the amount of lactose. This makes
mare's milk as close as possible to a human female’s, and thus,
is used to make baby food.

To get the maximum benefit from mare's milk, you need to know
how to properly drink it?

Pleasure. You can and should drink milk for your own pleasure.
Enjoy a true natural product, safely manufactured and packaged
just for you.

Preventive measures. The benefits of the regular use of mare's
milk has been proven by modern German studies.

Treatment. When using mare's milk for therapeutic purposes, it
is extremely important to observe dosages and the frequency of
intake. Begin to drink mare’s milk at servings of 100 ml, and
then gradually increase to 250 ml.

Do not delay, and add our horse milk powder to your Cart right
now! Take care of your health today!

What is SAUMAL®?

In Kazakh language “saumal” translates to “fresh mare milk”. Its unique and healing properties have been known for a long time.

SAUMAL® is a white powder with a pleasant milky smell, which is made from whole mare milk by freeze-drying and meets all the requirements for food quality.

Shelf life in vacuum package is 24 months. After opening, it is recommended to consume the contents within 20 days.


• Conducted clinical studies prove the effectiveness of SAUMAL in the treatment of various diseases.

• Similarity to breast milk promotes rapid absorption and allows it to be given to children.

• Convenience and accessibility for urban residents. SAUMAL can be consumed all year round when fresh milk is only available 5-6 months a year.

• High quality milk as animals graze on pastures bordering the Buiratau Nature Reserve

The composition of mare milk is as close as possible to mother’s milk and belongs to the albumin group, i.e.there are

more whey proteins than casein. While milk from other farm animals (with the exception of donkeys) is casein

group, since they are dominated by casein.

The similarity of mare and breast milk in composition is due to the similarity of the digestive systems of horses and humans.

They have unicameral stomachs of a similar shape. At that time, almost all herbivores had multi-chambered stomachs.

Mare’s milk whey proteins

There are twice as many whey proteins in mare’s milk as in cow’s milk and they are rich in essential amino acids. Proteins are chains of amino acids and in the intestines they are broken down into individual amino acids and absorbed by the body. They have a fine structure, therefore they are very well absorbed by the body.


Among all the essential amino acids present in mare’s milk, tryptophan can be distinguished separately.

The body uses tryptophan to make niacin (vitamin B3), serotonin, and melatonin. Niacin is needed to convert carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy. Serotonin (called the “happiness hormone”) is involved in regulating mood, appetite, and sexual arousal. Melatonin regulates sleep and circadian rhythm. All this affects the reproductive, gastrointestinal and immune systems.


One of the most valuable proteins in mare’s milk, due to its high and versatile biological activity, is lactoferrin. Currently, lactoferrin is very promising in terms of the study and practical application of milk protein.

What functions does lactoferrin have?

First, lactoferrin is capable of killing bacteria and viruses. In some cases, lactoferrin directly interacts with the bacterial cell, destroying it, or indirectly: it takes on the iron ions necessary for the bacterial life. Thus, it provides protection against pathogenic bacteria that inhabit mucous surfaces. It is used as a natural antiseptic. It has antibacterial action against some gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as some viruses and fungi. Lactoferrin plays a modulating role in the immune response. Stimulates or suppresses various hormonal and cellular components involved in the prevention and / or relief of infections and inflammation.

Lactoferrin also exhibits fungicidal and antiparasitic activity, i.e. able to kill microscopic fungi and some parasites.

Due to the listed properties, lactoferrin is considered the main factor in the nonspecific immunity of a newborn child receiving breast milk as the main source of nutrition.


Lysozyme is another important component of whey protein.

Lysozyme is a unique enzyme that provides innate protection against pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses. Basically, lysozyme in the body is found in places of contact with the environment – in the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, lacrimal fluid, saliva, nasopharyngeal mucus, etc.

Mare’s milk contains 4 times more lysozyme than breast milk. And in cow’s milk, lysozyme is found only in trace amounts.

Antibacterial action of lysozyme.

The oral cavity and pharynx serve as entry gates for pathogenic microorganisms. It is not surprising that in this biotope, in particular in saliva, there is a significant number of various antimicrobial molecules, among which lysozyme occupies a special place. Possessing two complementary mechanisms of destruction of bacteria (enzymatic and cationic), lysozyme reduces the likelihood of complete escape of pathogenic bacteria from its antibacterial action.

Also, lysozyme has significant antiviral and antifungal effects. The antimicrobial effect of lysozyme is due to its ability to destroy the biofilms of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Translated from Greek, lysis means the destruction, dissolution of cells and their systems.

Lysozyme also has anti-inflammatory effects.

Breast milk lysozyme is considered an important factor in protecting premature, full-term newborns and infants against various infectious diseases.

Composition of essential amino acids

Mare’s milk contains such essential amino acids as:

Mare’s milk contains immunoglobulins – complex proteins that perform the function of the body’s immune defense. Depending on the structure and properties, immunoglobulins (Ig) contained in milk are divided into 5 main classes: IgD, IgE, IgM, IgA, IgG. In mare’s milk, fractions of the last three classes predominate, which neutralize viruses and toxins, prevent bacteria from fixing on the surface of the epithelium, and activate leukocyte phagocytosis.

VALINEone of the most important components for the growth of body tissues, a source of energy in muscle cells. Improves muscle coordination, reduces sensitivity to pain. Participates in nitrogen metabolism in the human body. Protects the myelin sheaths of nerve fibers (damage to them can lead to the development of multiple sclerosis)
LEUCINEan essential amino acid that is not produced in the human body. It is a source of energy, necessary for building muscle tissue, and is involved in the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. Leucine is also required for hemoglobin synthesis
ISOLEUCINEparticipates in energy metabolism. With its lack, carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed, insulin deficiency occurs
METHIONINEserves as a source of formation of choline (a precursor of acetylcholine, which serves to transmit nerve impulses) and phosphatides, which are important in metabolic processes  
CISTINEnecessary to maintain the activity of the hormones vasopressin, oxytocin, somatostatin, insulin. Participates in the formation of keratins
LYSINEhelps to lower the level of triglycerides in the blood. Lack of substance leads to the development of immunodeficiency, increased fatigue, weakness, anemia, hair loss, growth retardation  
TYROSINEnecessary for the production of biologically active substances, thyroid hormones. It helps to reduce the deposition of fat in the body, improves the work of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid gland
IgGIgG is the only immunoglobulin capable of crossing biological membranes. The largest amount of this type of immunoglobulins are produced during the secondary immune response
IgAIgA can be secreted by mucous membranes and exocrine glands, while performing the most important functions on the surfaces of the mucous membranes and in body fluids  
IgMIgM is responsible for the development of a protective reaction in the intravascular space, this type of immunoglobulins is formed faster during the primary response

Horse Milk

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