This captivating book, written by Arlene Croce, takes readers on an exquisite journey back to the 1970s, exploring the art and culture surrounding the legendary Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. This nonfiction narrative novel, published by Outerbridge & Lazard in 1972, is the first edition, making it a vintage treasure for any adult audience interested in history and books. The hardcover format, written in English, is perfect for collectors and enthusiasts alike.

The Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers Book by Arlene Croce is a true gem of its time, providing readers with a glimpse into the era of the famous duo. The book's genre covers both art and culture, and its topic is centered around books. This United States publication is a must-have for any avid book collector looking for a valuable addition to their collection. What you see is what you get.