Vintage photograph titled "The Mighty Rouge At Twilight" of two ships on the Rouge river in Detroit, Michigan. This photo was taken by Dick Pietryzyk in the 1970's. The photograph is 13 1/2 x 10 1/2 inches matted on a 20 x 16 piece of board. On the back of the board you can see the artist wrote the name of the photo "The Mighty Rouge at Twilight" and stamped his name and address : "Dick Pietrzyk 6862 Calhoun Dearborn, Mi 48126". You can see that these two ships are different than the other two photos of the Transatlantic Hamburg that we have listed. The photo is too dark to see the names of the ships. 

About the artist:

Richard "Dick' Pietrzyk was born October 4th, 1926 and died May 3rd, 2009. He was never married, but served in the US Army in WWII from 2/27/1945 to 11/26/1946. He was a commercial artist living in Dearborn, Michigan. In the early 1950's (1953,1955 and 1956) he was an artist at Academy Studio. By 1959 Dick was a commercial artist at Visual Design Inc. in Detroit. Visual Design Inc. opened in 1958. 

***Each photograph is carefully wrapped in plastic then again in craft paper to assure protection during shipping.***