A gathering of pages from an 1870 publication ( dated " 1870 "  ), containing an article on the Christmas holiday.
7 1/2" x 10 7/8"

" Christmas Notes "
( about 2 2/3  pages of text, plus the large illustration " A Merry Christmas " )

Includes :

1.  " Christmas Morning "
An illustration for the poem " A Merry Christmas " by George Cooper ( see #10 below ).
A boy knocks on a door to deliver a plump turkey for Christmas dinner , 150+ years ago.

2.  " Christmas Flowers "
A poem by Adelaide Anne Proctor (1825-1864).
Proctor was a friend of Charles Dickens , who provided an Introduction to her poetry book.

3.  " A Christmas Tree "
By Charles Dickens ( 1812 - 1870 ), author of A Christmas Carol , etc., etc.

4.  " A Perfect Christmas "
By Leigh Hunt ( 1784 - 1859 ), English writer and poet.

5.  " Christmas Ceremonies "

6.  " Christmas in Yorkshire "

7.  " Christmas Day "
( from the 1868 poem by Charles Kingsley ( 1819 - 1875 ), priest of the Church of England, university professor, social reformer, historian, novelist and poet ).

8.  " Christmas Fifty Years Ago "

9.  " The Origin of Christmas Gifts "

10.  " A Merry Christmas "
A poem by George Cooper ( 1840 - 1927 ), American poet remembered chiefly for his song lyrics, many of which were set to music by composer Stephen Foster ( 1826 - 1864 ), the " father of American music ."
( see the illustration, #1 of this list )

11.  Additional Christmas Notes :

The Christmas Tree ( its origin )

Deeds of Charity :  
"... some of our overflow of happiness should not fail to reach the poor and miserable , whom Santa Claus , an aristocratic fellow , is otherwise apt to slight. "

The Custom of adorning houses with evergreen during the Christmas holidays .

Christmas has the power to mitigate the ferocities of war.

Let Christmas be consecrated to the communion of religious worship.

A curious custom of the Greek Church in Russia at Christmas.

Christmas is each year more generally observed in New England , where it was one proscribed by law .

The first song ever composed in England was a Christmas carol in Anglo - Norman French .

12. Miscellany

Additional notes on non-Christmas subjects :
1.  " The Origin of Mosquitoes "
( according to a legend of the Native American Indians of the Red River region [ North Texas / Southern Oklahoma ] ).
2.  " Copernicus "


Aged paper.
A little staining.
Otherwise good.

Over 150 years old.

Carefully packed for shipment to the buyer.