Our proprietary process for combining functional mushrooms with time-tested Ayurvedic herbs, brings together the best of two worlds: Mycology and Ayurveda.

Our all natural, proprietary blend will help you get to sleep, & stay asleep!

Kindness is core to our values, and central to our vision of what success looks like. Because if we’re all kind to each other, our journeys through life will be healthier and happier. So we strive to make every interaction between customers, business partners, and within our own team and families, 10% kinder.

Why 10%? Okay, we know that it’s not possible to measure kindness as an objective value, but let’s put it like this: you may not notice a 2% increase on a restaurant bill, but 10%? That’s unmissable. 10% (or 12% if you prefer) is a large enough number to be noticeable and a small enough number to be doable. And that’s what we’re aiming for: a palpable hit of kindness that’s not unrealistic to achieve.

Is it really doable? We believe it is and that our products help. By helping people sleep better, feel more energized, more focused, or just more healthy more often, improving people’s health and happiness helps everyone to be a little kinder.

To ensure you have detailed information about the supplement contents, we invite you to review the "Supplement Facts or Ingredients" provided in the images section above the product description

