Health Aid CoffeeSlim

Innovative formulation, with a thermogenic effect to enhance metabolism and manage persistent weight.

  • Green Coffee, rich in chlorogenic acid, prevents the accumulation of glucose in the blood and contributes to weight loss, due to its thermogenic and antioxidant action.
  • Raspberry Ketones stimulate the production of adiponectin, a hormone involved in the catabolism of fatty acids and the regulation of glucose levels.
  • African Mango contains leptin, a protein hormone that regulates the feeling of appetite and the processes of energy intake and consumption.
  • Chicory is a type of horseradish, rich in vegetable fibers (inulin), which cause a feeling of satiety.
  • Green Tea contains catechins to increase burning and the amino acid Carnitine metabolizes stored fat into energy, as well as blueberry & cayenne pepper extracts, known for their lipolytic effects.

HealthAid's Coffee Slim is a powerful formulation that is an ideal choice for increasing fat burning, reducing appetite, as well as managing stubborn fat that returns after a weight loss diet ends.


Adults over 18 years, 2 capsules a day with food.