
The front of this bar displays the bald eagle as it majestically descends upon a tree limb. From its bared talons to the articulated movement of its wings, artists have spared no details in capturing this predatory bird in action. The dynamic positioning of the eagle is enough to make the viewer feel as though the bird is in motion, swooping down to land on the tree branch. Beneath the eagle, appears the purity level and weight of each bar for convenience.

For functionality purposes, the reverse side of the bar has been engraved with a deep crisscrossing pattern across its surface. The deep grooves of the pattern allow for a better grip on the bar while handling it. They also act as a source of traction for the bar when it?s being stored away or stacked on top of each other. Lastly, at the very bottom of the bar is a small image depicting the mascots of the SilverTowne Mint , the prospector and his donkey.