Designed for a Steinway Model B Grand Piano, measuring 6' 10 1/2" long.

This cover has the Steinway & Sons logo embroidered on the front and side, and also has side slits, to allow the piano to be played with the cover on.

USA made. 60 day return if you do not like the cover. This is a Great Cover made with Premium Quilt material: Durable Nylon outside, Soft Cotton on the inside.  Sides of cover hang down approx. 15-18 inches from piano lid. I use covers on all of my pianos in my home and in the showroom. Why? Because it keeps out the dust and oil in the air. When oil and dust get on the strings after a number of years the Bass Strings will start to lose their tone. And the oil and dust will also seep into the bushing of the Hammer Shank at the Flange and the sensitive parts of the Wippens. This can cause your piano action to become sluggish. I have also found that my pianos in the showroom stay in tune longer when I keep them covered. I know you will love this cover.

Reach out to me if you have any questions. Covers can ship to most locations around the world. Keep the music going!


"Maestro" Bruno