Canadian Air Cadet Magazine 1941-1948 DVD


Compiled on a DVD is a near complete set of the “Canadian Air Cadet” magazine that was produced from 1941 to 1948ish. With almost every issue from volume 1 to volume 5 and a few from volume 6 – 7, this magazine gives a great insight to what was happening in the cadet movement during that time.  Articles talk about different squadrons and what they are up to, different squadrons that recently formed.  Articles about aircraft recognition, how the war is progressing, and some articles from different airmen about their experiences during the war, some of whom are former air cadets.


Almost every copy is in great condition except for V1N3 and V5N5 which has some parts cut out from some of the pages.  I suspect this was done by a young lad who was putting together an aircraft scrap book during the war.  This was something that was encouraged during Air Crew training to aid in the memorization of aircraft recognition, which was something that was tested and expanded upon at every stage of training.


The list of material on the DVD includes:


Vol. 1  No. 01  October      1941

            No. 02  November  1941

            No. 03  December  1941

            No. 04  January       1942

            No. 05  February    1942

            No. 06  March         1942

            No. 07  April            1942

            No. 08  May             1942

            No. 09/10  June      1942

            No. 11  August        1942

            No. 12  September 1942

Vol. 2  No. 01  October      1942

            No. 02  November  1942

            No. 03  December  1942

            No. 04  January       1943

            No. 05  February    1943

            No. 06  March         1943

            No. 07  April            1943

            No. 08  May             1943

            No. 09  June            1943

            No. 10  August        1943

            No. 11  September 1943

            No. 12  October      1943

Vol. 3  No. 01  November 1943

            No. 02  December  1943

            No. 03  January       1944

            No. 04  February    1944

            No. 05  March         1944

            No. 06  April            1944

            No. 07  May             1944

            No. 08/09  July        1944

            No. 10  August        1944

            No. 11  September 1944

            No. 12  October      1944

Vol. 4  No. 01  November 1944

            No. 02  December  1944

            No. 03  January       1945

            No. 04  February    1945

            No. 05  March         1945

            No. 06  April            1945

            No. 07  May             1945

            No. 08  July              1945

            No. 09  August        1945

            No. 10  September 1945

            No. 11  November  1945

            No. 12  December  1945

Vol. 5  No. 01  January      1946

            No. 02  February    1946

            No. 03  March         1946

            No. 04  April            1946

            No. 05  May             1946

            No. 06  July              1946

            No. 07  September 1946

            No. 08  October      1946

            No. 09  December  1946


Vol. 6  No. 02  February    1947

            No. 03  March         1947

            No. 04  April            1947

            No. 05  May             1947


            No. 09  August        1947


Vol. 7  No. 01  January      1948


            No. 03  March         1948

            No. 04  April            1948



All pages have been professionally scanned from the originals that I have tracked down.  They have been digitally rotated cropped, and saved as JPG format for easy viewing.


As I am a collector of these magazines I am always looking for more.  Should you have any Canadian Air Cadet material please contact me.


The list of products ready on DVD are:

Archival DVD – TCA Early years magazines and pamphlets

Archival DVD – WW2 Air Cadets Canada Reference files/Manuals

Archival DVD – WW2 CAP384 Pilots Handbook of Radio Navigational Facilities  (A MUST HAVE!!!!!)

Archival DVD – WW2 Air Navigational Charts of Canada

                                OVER 100 Maps covering most of the mainland Canada

Archival DVD –WW2 CAP43 Trade Improvement RCAF/RAF

Archival DVD – WW2 RCAF Aircraft Detection Corps magazine The Observer

Archival DVD – WW2 RAF/RCAF Air ministry Publications

Archival DVD – 36 SFTS Penhold Log station magazine

Archival DVD – WW2 AP1480 Aircraft Recognition Silhouette Handbook Collection


Other products in the works are:

RARE ww2 RCAF manuals (to include)     CAP 220 Link Instructors Manual

                                                                                SSO (Station Standing Orders) #16 SFTS Hagersville.

RCAF/RAF flight training manuals


Possible future projects

RARE RCAF/RAF BCATP station magazines:  A large collection from different bases across Canada

Selection of RAF war periodicals:  Air ministry weekly reports, bomber command quarterly, coastal command quarterly.



All DVD’s will be double checked on multiple computers to ensure they work.  DVD’s SHOULD work on ALL/MOST modern Windows computers.  I CANNOT verify MAC or other OS compatibility.

DVD will be shipped in DVD Case and in bubble wrap envelope.  If DVD is damaged in shipping please email me a photo and I shall mail out ONE additional DVD at no cost.  This is offered up to 30 days after the original DVD is shipped.


Legal jargon / Limited liability.

This DVD is sold AS IS. For REFERENCE USE only, and should not be used as an aeronautical navigation aid, as many airfields have changed and/or been abandoned.

This DVD is for PERSONAL use only.

The DVD has been formatted on a computer with up to date virus software.  I take no responsibly for damage caused by the use of the DVD either physically (computer damage, or bodily harm) or software damage.

NO REFUNDS/NO RETURNS.  If there are problems with the DVD contact me and I will try to work things out with you.