All items are in great condition. Items have not been used very much. 1 turntable, the mixer and the speakers work flawlessly. The other turntable doesn't seem to power on. I think it can be repaired easily. After about 30 days of minimal usage, the non-powering on turntable wouldn't power on. It operated flawlessly when bought new along with the other included items. 2 power cords and the included RCA and audio cables are included. They've been in storage, clearing some space.
Price is adjusted for shipping as there are a few. Please feel free to contact me.

2 Turntables
1 Mixer
2 speakers
Cables etc.
1 circlular metal turntable weight included as pictured
2 of the plastic lid clips that are the protective translucent covers are broken but the lid sits fine. Not sure how they broke, though they don't matter. The non broken clips can be switched to either lid and fit in the clip slots on the back of either turntable correctly.
"Other things" (going to ship other stuff alongside these to fill up one of the item boxes)