Solace (Super Overstable Lace) is the ultra overstable distance driver in the Vibram Line. Vibram says this about the Solace: “Our most overstable disc to date, this disc can handle all the power you give it, will consistently fight any headwind you throw it at, and will have a predictable (and big) fade at the end of its flight. 

Speed 13.0 | Glide 4.0 | Turn 0.0 | Fade 4.0

Vibram discs are made of the same X-Link rubber with variations in how firm the disc is.
F = Firm, disc is very hard to bend the rim out of shape.
M = Medium, disc has some give at the rim (it's thickest part).
S = Soft, disc can be taco'ed (but is by no means flimsy).

[8.5/10] - Disc has a couple of micro-nicks along the edge but is otherwise in great shape. Inked.