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Titolo: Samurai: The Heart of the Prophet
Condizione: Nuovo
EAN: 9781782763376
ISBN: 9781782763376
Publisher: Titan Comics
Formato: Copertina rigida
Data di pubblicazione: 08/12/2015
Altezza: 284mm
Lunghezza: 212mm
Lingua: inglese
ISBN-10: 1782763376
Description: Takeo has finally achieved his dream; he has left behind the darkness of his past and become a Samurai. Yet Imperial Japan is in turmoil; General Akuma, one of the Empire's most powerful men has turned his back on the Emperor, and is planning to betray him. The two men are linked by a dark secret; the 13th prophet. It is into this mysterious feud that Takeo will stray on his quest to find out who he really is...
Paese di origine: GB
Larghezza: 16mm
Peso: 880g
Autore: Jean-François Di Giorgio
Ilustración: Frederic Genêt, Delphine Rieu
Contribuyente: Frederic Genêt (Illustrated by), Delphine Rieu (Illustrated by)
Genere: Manga
Serie: Samurai
Title Format: Hardback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2015

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