The Launch is a stable, straight-flying midrange from Vibram that will help beginners and slower arms gain confidence. When thrown with speed, this disc can handle head winds with a predictable turn in the end. Tail winds can take this disc straight and long. Players with good control and arm speed will love this disc on tighter, wooded shots that present a lower ceiling and they want to throw the shot on a b-line. 

Speed 5.0 | Glide 5.0 | Turn -1.0 | Fade 2.0

Vibram discs are made of the same X-Link rubber with variations in how firm the disc is.
F = Firm, disc is very hard to bend the rim out of shape.
M = Medium, disc has some give at the rim (it's thickest part).
S = Soft, disc can be taco'ed (but is by no means flimsy).

[9/10] - No visible wear on edge, inked. Custom Dye done by Foo Fliers DGO.