LEBANON 1946 Registered FDC Scott #189-196 Beirut to Columbia Louisiana Baroody

☆ First day of issue

☆ Complete set Scott# 189-196

☆ WWII Victory set V overprinted in red.

☆ Sent by the stamp dealer BENJAMIN BAROODY in Beyrouth Lebanon Liban

☆ To the Mint stamp bank In Columbia Louisiana .

☆ Registered cover R 71

☆ Three Beirut cancels in the front 09 V 46.

☆ New York 5 - 19 1946 received cancel.

☆ Columbia La registered cancel May 21 1946.

☆ Scott # R1 5pi on 30c red brown on back Fiscal stamp surcharged in violet. The tax was for the lebanese army.

☆ Very interesting and rare cover