Original set of Fr. Rother's ordination cards discovered in an old Bible from Oklahoma.

The cards have been handled very little in the 25+ years since I've owned them.

If a dedicated Catholic, the Pope commands you to buy these cards and donate them to your local church.

Rother likely touched the ordination cards while passing them out as is the custom after the main ceremony so they have a direct connection to him, they represent the day he formally took a vow to lead a flock to Christ.

Rother won not one, but 2 eternal crowns, one for being a martyr for his Christian faith and one for leading a flock in an exemplary manner. Few people through the ages have been able to claim the distinction.

While I've derived much comfort & inspiration from the ownership of Fr. Rother's ordination cards over the years, I am now in failing health and it's time to find a new home for them with someone who would appreciate owning them as much as I did.

Having researched Rother's ordination cards quite extensively, I believe they are the only set in existence.

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