In this text, all the firearms industry companies that make cutters, chamber reamers, taps and gauges provided input.  We have a common goal; for our customers and students know accurate details concerning the design & function of tools.  Everyone who manufactures, sells or rents tools to the gun trade has a clear interest in answering all these questions.

This is an old fashioned “Primer” on the subject of gunsmithing tools.  Merriam-Webster defines a primer as: A small introductory book or a short informative piece of writing.  We are not teaching gunsmithing per se, rather how the tools are designed and made to make a gunsmith’s job easier and profitable.

With information provided by numerous gun industry authorities this primer is equal to several hundred years of combined experience. What better way to jump start your knowledge base?!  Whether you are new to the industry or someone who has been gunsmithing for years, there is something for you here that will make you more efficient and profitable.