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Titolo: Manga Classics Othello
Condizione: Nuovo
Title Format: Paperback
Description: A brilliant general in the service of Venice, Othello is also the newhusband of the adoring - and young - Desdemona, whose innocent hero worship hasblossomed into love. But can a beautiful girl, so much younger than her husband,truly be faithful? Othello's trusted ensign Iago seems to think not. Can Othellotrust him? Can Othello trust anyone? Manga Classics presents Shakespeare'sclassic story of love, hate, vengeance, and betrayal, in its full, originalglory! (This volume features the complete, unabridged text from the ShakespearePlay.)

Altezza: 203mm
Autore: William Shakespeare, Crystal Chan
Contribuyente: Julien Choy (By (artist))
Data di pubblicazione: 01/06/2021
EAN: 9781947808140
Formato: Tascabile
Genere: Graphic Novels
ISBN: 9781947808140
ISBN-10: 1947808141
Publisher: Manga Classics Inc.
Soggetto: Manga
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Lunghezza: 145mm
Larghezza: 36mm
Peso: 449g
Anno di pubblicazione: 2021

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