Based on the Book by Pablo Cognetti

Summer 1984, a secluded alpine village in the Aosta Valley. Holidaying with his mother (Elena Lietti) and father (Filippo Timi), 11-year-old Pietro befriends local boy Bruno the villages only child, who lives alone with his aunt and uncle - and the two spend an idyllic vacation together. But when Pietros well-meaning but impetuous dad suggests that Bruno return to Turin with them so that he can receive a proper education, he inadvertently drives a wedge between the boys. In adulthood, their paths intertwine again: the estranged Pietro (Martin Edens Luca Marinelli) returns to the valley, and at the prompting of Bruno (Alessandro Borghi), warily agrees to help build a mountain cabin; as they set about the task, they begin to bridge a crevasse of emotional distance and reconcile the wounds and regrets of the past...

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