Cricket, My Brother and Me: Fifty Years Watching English Cricket

Publisher : Pitch Publishing Ltd First edition (6 Jun 2022)
Language : English
Hardcover : 256 pages
ISBN-10 : 1801501165
ISBN-13 : 978-1801501163

Product Description

As a toddler Geoff plays a straight bat with a frying pan knocking his brother unconscious. They both survive and go on to share an obsession with cricket. From playing as kids in oversized pads they become recreational cricketers and devotees of England and Notts. Cricket My Brother and Me is rich in humorous anecdotes and personal memories of 50 eventful years playing and watching cricket. Accounts of early life as cricketers see the brothers trying to emulate their heroes and failing miserably finally settling for the role of spectator. Memories i nclud e the torture and the glory of watching the Ashes touring abroad and the more sedate joys of county cricket. The book describes the brothers fraught first encounter with the Barmy Army and later touring as part of the worlds greatest supporters club. Ardent fans will enjoy the serious reflections on cricket and politics and thoughts on the future of the sport. This is a must read for cricket lovers and for those intrigued as to why cricket can inflame such passion. Read more

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