Monstrous Children & Childish Monster von Markus P. J. Bohlmann

Art Nr.: 0786494794
ISBN 13: 9780786494798
B-Nr: INF1000337667
SubTitle: Essays on Cinema's Holy Terrors
ReleaseYear: 2015
Published by: Mcfarland And Company, Inc.
Cover: Taschenbuch
Cover Format: 229x152x17 mm
Pages: 288
Weight: 471 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Markus P. J. Bohlmann

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While at first glance it may seem strange that so many films portray children as monstrous characters, the essays in this collection begin by recognizing the pervasive popularity, and the wide variety, of such characterizations. Perhaps because of the wisdom received from our Romantic forebears about the purity of the child, fictional imaginings of children as monsters exercise a tremendous fascination for film audiences, and have for several decades. These opposing, and yet co-dependent, tendencies are reflected in the modern connotations of the phrases child-like (innocent) and childish (selfish, perhaps even evil.) Yet unlike most previous scholarly work on this cultural phenomenon, the essays in this collection do not remain arrested by this reductive binary, but strive to unearth the many possibilities, meanings and forms that are hidden by the two-faced mask our imaginings of children all too often wear.
Information of Author
Markus P.J. Bohlmann is professor of English at Seneca College, Toronto, USA. He has published in venues such as Post Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities and Children's Literature Association Quarterly , and he is on the editorial board of Red Feather Journal: An International Journal of Children's Popular Culture . He lives in Toronto, Canada. Sean Moreland teaches at the University of Ottawa, Canada, and his interests include 19th century and modern American literature as well as Gothic and horror fiction. He lives in Ottawa, Canada.
Information of Author:
Markus P.J. Bohlmann is professor of English at Seneca College, Toronto, USA. He has published in venues such as Post Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities and Children's Literature Association Quarterly , and he is on the editorial board of Red Feather Journal: An International Journal of Children's Popular Culture . He lives in Toronto, Canada. Sean Moreland teaches at the University of Ottawa, Canada, and his interests include 19th century and modern American literature as well as Gothic and horror fiction. He lives in Ottawa, Canada.