Autism from the Inside Out: A Handbook for Parents, Early Childhood, Primary, Post-Primary and Special School Settings von Emer Ring, Patricia Daly, Eugene Wall

Art Nr.: 1906165823
ISBN 13: 9781906165826
B-Nr: INF1000510295
SubTitle: A Handbook for Parents, Early Childhood, Primary, Post-Primary and Special School Settings
ReleaseYear: 2018
Published by: Peter Lang Ltd. International Academic Publishers, Peter Lang Verlag
Edition: Taschenbuch
Cover: Taschenbuch
Cover Format: 225x150x17 mm
Pages: 306
Weight: 456 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Emer Ring, Patricia Daly, Eugene Wall

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Autism from the Inside Out is the first book to focus on providing Irish parents, early childhood, primary, post-primary and special school teachers with effective strategies for supporting children with autism spectrum difference at home and in educational settings. Presenting contributions from a range of national and international experts in education and psychology, the volume emerged from an evaluation of education provision commissioned by Ireland's National Council for Special Education, which clearly identified a need for additional guidance, advice and support for parents and teachers.
The book rejects 'disorder' in favour of 'difference', emphasizing the importance of a child-centred approach and the dangers of over-generalization. It includes chapters on effective teaching strategies to promote learning responding to children's strengths and needs through individualized planning assessment practices the role of the Special Needs Assistant managing transitions the environment as the third teacher promoting children's wellbeing and effective leadership for inclusion.
Read Sample:
This is the first book focused on providing Irish parents and early years, primary, post-primary and special school teachers with effective strategies for supporting children with autism spectrum difference. It rejects "disorder" in favour of "difference", emphasising the importance of a child-centred approach and the dangers of overgeneralising.
Information of Author
Emer Ring is Head of the Department of Reflective Pedagogy and Early Childhood Studies at Mary Immaculate College. She worked previously as a primary teacher and a senior inspector with the Department of Education and Skills and has published widely in the area of education, with a particular focus on autism spectrum difference and inclusion.
Information of Author:
Emer Ring is Head of the Department of Reflective Pedagogy and Early Childhood Studies at Mary Immaculate College. She worked previously as a primary teacher and a senior inspector with the Department of Education and Skills and has published widely in the area of education, with a particular focus on autism spectrum difference and inclusion.