Premium Air-cushion finish
Poker size 3.5 x 2.5 
Bicycle Quality


De'vo's BLADES - Midnight Edition - This brand new Midnight Edition is an all NEW Blades deck with a new bold killer back design and black faces.  The new back has been redesigned specifically for the Midnight Edition.  It's simplified, darker, more contrast, and includes a new flares coming off the tips of the swords making for very cool fanning designs.  This amazing deck uses traditional court cards unlike most black decks and have the Blades signature inner pip highlight.  Like all Blades, the court cards are made for instant recognition and a fresh change to what is currently on the market.  This new deck comes with 1 ad card, 2 Blades jokers, and 2 redesigned Ace Of Spades, so you can choose which Ace you'd like to use in your deck.  The aces are the redesigned classic Demon Claw or the new "Midnight Edition" Ace Of Spades.  The Box now has a moon behind De'vo and the small blade on the inside flap.  This deck uses the amazing Blades stock and finish everyone has been raving about and also has the double black ink and edge protection measures we used on the amazing Silver Edition 2nd Run. The ALL NEW Midnight Edition is darker and more sinister than the other BLADES decks, while keeping their amazing handling abilities.

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