Get lost in the enchanting world of Isla and her happily ever after in this hardcover book by Stephanie Perkins. Written for young adults, this book will take you on a journey of love, romance, friendship, and adventure. The story is set in Europe and follows Isla's journey through school and education as she navigates the ups and downs of dating and sex. This book is perfect for anyone who loves a good romance novel or enjoys exploring different cultures and people.

The book is published by Penguin Young Readers Group, and it's in English. It was first published in 2014 and is categorized under "Books & Magazines" and "Audiobooks." The genre of this book is "Young Adult Fiction" and "Juvenile Fiction," and it's intended for young adults. So, get ready to embark on a journey with Isla and her friends as they discover the true meaning of love and friendship in this captivating novel.