This is a factory sealed 2nd generation Apple iPod shuffle, and an additional pair of sealed Apple headphones.

The iPod includes the MP3 player, headphones, and a charging/data dock. This unit charges through the headphone dock, which is very classic Apple ingenuity.

I do not know if this piece would actually run. This is sold as a collectible, so please understand that I cannot guarantee the item inside. The packaging is part of this product, so if you damage the package you have damaged the item, and it cannot be returned at that point. That said, this packaging does have some scuffs and scratches.

I'm not sure what year it was manufactured, but it's somewhere between 2007 and 2009. This is a unique little part of 00's history.

I do not know the year of the additional headphones, but they do have a traditional audio jack, not a lightning type.