Porous Regenerative Membrane - 10 units. 1.9 x 2.9 in.

Membracel - Porous Regenerative Membrane consists of interwoven crystalline cellulose microfibrils, it has artificially developed pores, fine texture and uniform structure. These feature allow protection from skin lesions and promote tissue regeneration by the acceleration of granulation tissue formation and subsequente epithelialization.


Membracel acts as a temporary replacement of the skin and it suitable for injury treatments resulting from loss of epithelium that are characterized as superficial or deep wound, with little or abundant exudation, such as second degree burns, dermal abrasions, excoriation, recipient ans donor areas for skin grafts, nail beds (post-nail excision), pressure sores, varicose ulcers of stasis, arterial ulcers, plantar perforating maladies, epidermolysis bullosa, post- physical cauterazation ( cryotherapy, thermal cauterization, CO2 laser and Erbium).