*This listing is for a poster, not a comic

New reproduction hot rod Poster
Printed on 11" x 17" matte vellum 62lb acid free archival paper.
White border for framing
Watermark is on the listing image only, not the poster itself. 

If you have any questions at all please feel free to ask.
Thanks for looking!

Please note- many of the posters we sell are printed from vintage original prints/paper items of all different shapes and sizes.  The original quality of these images varies greatly. You might find that some of these posters are not of a modern perfect standards, and this is because original items (made in the 50's) were not to modern/perfect standards to begin with. 

We strive for 5 star feedback, so please reach out to us if you have any issues so that we may resolve any issues for you before feedback has been left.

Please note that this entire store is a 2 person operation, so we thank you in advance for your understanding and patience.

We ship orders every day, Monday-Friday. We do not ship orders on days when USPS is closed.

We answer messages on Monday-Friday only, during business hours (9am-5pm)

Ebay has an automated system in place for our store- once a buyer has left us feedback they will automatically receive positive feedback from us. 

We appreciate your business.

Thank you.