Japanese maple - Bonsai Starter Bundle 

The perfect way to get into the world of bonsai. This set includes everything you need to pot and develop your own unique bonsai to enjoy for years to come.

This starter bundle includes:

1 x Tree - Japanese maple 3+ year old starter tree ready to repot.

1x Pot - 6.5cm Oatmeal cube bonsai pot.

1x Soil - 200g Zero Bonsai soil mix.

2x Wire - Aluminium branch shaping wire.

1x Mesh - Drainage mesh.

1x Scissors - 105mm bonsai scissors.

1x Chopstick - Hand crafted chopstick.

About your Japanese maple:

A Timeless Beauty in Miniature. This bonsai is marvellous with elegant foliage and a compact size. Fabulous  spring/Autumn colours, this needs minimal maintenance and thrives in shady environments. Symbolising harmony and balance, the iconic Japanese maple Bonsai is perfect for all skill levels.

This Bonsai's elegant foliage adds sophistication to any space. Its compact size makes it ideal for small gardens, balconies, or indoor spaces. Maybe a  tabletop or as a  temporary centrepiece, this bonsai captivates with delicate beauty.

Adaptable to various climates and conditions, the Japanese maple Bonsai is suitable for all growers. With minimal maintenance, including watering and pruning, it continues to showcase timeless beauty. Its low-maintenance nature allows enthusiasts to enjoy bonsai without feeling overwhelmed.