Collection of 5 vintage sheet music/ song books for children and younger pianists

1. AN ALPHABET OF EXERCISES by M Mungo Park 1929 dated 10 page book with easy and familiar dittys.

2. THE MUSICAL ANNUAL - 1936 Colourful hardback book- 128 pages full of music for popular rhymes and songs plus articles on composers. Nicely illustrated.

3. EDE'S ESCAPE - by Marjory Dawe. A music tale for kids , a great way to learn the basics of music theory. 22 pages 1970

4.SING A SONG OF SIXPENCE by Leo Livens. 6 page book , part of the Anglo- French series dated 1922. More complex music for this childrens song.

5. THE PIANIST MUSICIAN by Margaret & Mary Donnington. 24 page book published by Stainer & Bell in 1935 containing around 25 easy to play children's pieces.