




*** 1797 - 2022 ***   

225 Years of the Victory

Against British Attack to

San Juan of Puerto Rico

Limited Edition 100

numbered pieces

!Tirada Limitada

sólo 100 Piezas!


Enorme medalla conmemorativa de la valentía de los milicianos Boricuas (criollos y libertos) Puertorriqueños en el 225 aniversario de la victoria ante el 3er y mas grande ataque de los Ingleses para invadir a Puerto Rico, en 1797, cuyo resultado fué el NACIMIENTO DE LA IDENTIDAD PUERTORRIQUEÑA Y EL SENTIMIENTO PATRIO, donde los locales, quienes cargaron con sobre 80% a 90% de las acciones tomadas, debido al pequeño número de la guarnición Española, se vieron a sí mismos como entes diferentes a los peninsulares. España reconoció al Puertorriqueño como soldado con valentía. Entre los resultados de estas batallas están la creación del Escudo de San Juan, La histórica rogativa que ahora es el Monumento de La Rogativa, y las canciones sobre las hazañas del Sargento Mayor Pepe Diaz, puertorriqueño luego conocido como "el soldado mas valiente que el Rey de España tenía." 

Este medallón impresionante, detallado, y costoso de manufacturar pesa casi 2 onzas en bronce laminado en plata "vieja" (acabado "antique" no brillosa), mide 50 milímetros, con borde acanalado (ranurado como la moneda 25c), con reverso en detalles a colores y lleva número de serie ponchado en cada pieza. Si se fija, la tonalidad antigua, los estilos de letra y motivos de la pieza llevan el objetivo de imitar el estilo de las antiguas medallas militares europeas comunes al siglo XVIII. Como bono, viene montatda en cápsula de acrílico para preservar y proteger contra rayazos.


Subasta por una (1) medalla grande con terminado en níquel antiguo, simulando el color normal de las armas de fuego, opaco sin brillo. Su ANVERSO muestra al general de brigada Español Don Ramón de Castro, líder de la isla, vs el Almirante Inglés Sir Ralph Abercromby (o Abercrombie), líder de las huestes invasoras. La figura principal es el héroe Boricua de Vega Alta, el Sargento Mayor Pepe Diaz, "el (soldado) más valiente que el rey de España tenía" que es la figura central, debajo del cual aparece una imagen del famoso escudo otorgado a la Ciudad de San Juan, en recompensa por la victoria contra los ingleses, el cual se haya rodeado de cañones y rifles con bayonetas montadas. 

El REVERSO lee "Escudo Otorgado por España a Los Milicianos de San Juan Tras La Victoria Contra los Ingleses en 1797" Al centro está la imagen del escudo original otorgado al "Regimiento deEsta Plaza y Ciudad de (San Juan) de Puerto Rico", todo impreso colores sobre relieve de los mismos detalles. Al lado izquierdo se lee "CCXXV" (225) y al lado derecho "Aniversario" Luego alrededor se lee arriba: "Playa de Cangrejos * Fortín de San Jerónimo * Puente Martín Peña" (lugares de las mayores batallas cuerpo a cuerpo), y luego debajo: "Comenzó el 17 de Abril * Finalizó el 2 de Mayo".  A la derecha de la Corona aparece inscrito el # de serie de cada medalla.


Medalla grande tamaño 50mm x 3mm, y peso de 2 onzas en Bronce cubierto en Plata con acabado antiguo, estilo "Gun Metal finish" en inglés, y pintura en esmalte, con borde acanalado (como la peseta), y terminación sin circular. Viene encapsulada en una pieza de fuerte plástico protector contra rayazos. La tirada total se limitó a 100 piezas enumeradas individualmente. 


Large sized medal paying 
homage to the local "Boricua" creole and freed men who took part in blocking the British 3rd and largest attempt at invading Puerto Rico and making it an English colony. This medallion, impressively beautiful, intricate, and expensive to manufacture is made of almost 2 ounces in Silver plated Bronze and measures a huge 2 inches in diameter. It has reeded edge (like a quarter dollar), features color printing on reverse an is serially numbered. As an added bonus, it comes in plastic capsule to protect against scratches.

The objective was to create an antique piece with an old fashioned letter and imaging style which would be common to the eighteenth century military medals issued in Europe, thus the look also imitates an old piece rather than a brand new one. 
The OBVERSE shows the 3 main figures of each party during this important battle. On the British side there is an image of Admiral Sir Ralph Abercromby, on the Spanish side is Brigadier Ramón de Castro, and on the local side is Sergeant Major Pepe Diaz, whose valor demonstrated during the battle became the stuff of legend, all the way up to the ears of the Spanish Monarch, earning him posthumously (he died of his many wounds) the title "The most valiant soldier the Spanish king had" a rare distinction anywhere even to this day. The lower section of the obverse features the Capital City of San Juan's coat of arms, surrounded by cannon, ammunition, and rifles with fixed bayonets, as was customary on many Military medals and shields of that era.

The REVERSE displays a central image of the original coat of arms given to the Infantry Regiment of the Capital City of San Juan of Puerto Rico after this great battle. The outer circle describes such a thing. The inner circle, on its top section, reads the 3 main areas of hand to hand combat: 1) Crab Beach (Playa de Cangrejos), 2) Saint Jeronimo Fort, and 3) Martin Peña Bridge. Right below the crown it reads "CCXXV Anniversary" (225 years) and "It (the battle) began April 17th, and finalized May 2nd". A serial number is punched at the right side of the shields crown.

This big medal measures 50mm x 3mm, has a weight of about 2 ounces, and has reeded edge, like a quarter dollar. It is made of Silver plated Bronze with Antique finish with heat stamped color print. It is in Uncirculated condition, and comes in its protective plastic capsule, to save it from scratches. There is a total mintage of a mere 100 pieces, each serially numbered.

This battle is locally famous as having been the main pivot in the upbringing of THE PUERTORRICAN NATIONAL SENTIMENT as the locals, for the very first time, saw themselves as an entity different and separate from a far away motherland, in contrast to the previous thought of existing solely to be subservient to the Spanish crown, as possibly over 80% to 90% of participants were locals, directed and guided by a much diminished (and sometimes clueless) Spanish garrison. Many locals achieved a great level of recognition for their valor and wit, all the way to the Spanish Court, such as in the case of native born Sergeant Major Pepe Diaz.

On 17 April 1797, Lieutenant-General Sir Ralph Abercromby invaded the island of Puerto Rico with a formidable British military force with more than ten thousand troops which included German soldiers and Royal Marines and a 60 to 64 ship armada. It was England’s third and final attempt to take control of one of the most strategic locations in the New World, Puerto Rico.

The Battle of San Juan was a 1797 British attack on the Spanish colonial port city of San Juan in Puerto Rico. Although there was constant bombardment against the walled city and its fortifications, most of the attack took place well to the East of the city, on a very sparsely populated mangrove  where modern areas of Miramar, Condado Lagoon, and Martin Pena Bridge now stand, areas opposite the Fort of San Jeronimo. All this littoral area used to be called "Playa de Cangrejos" (Crab Beach), now mostly known as El Condado and Isla Verde. Only a few fishermen made of mostly of freed Black people inhabited this area.

The British strategy was simple. Attack the city walls from the ships, forcing the Spanish to spend all their cannon ammunition, while secretly landing an army East of the city, away from the Spanish forts. Then marching towards San Juan's land corridors into the city streets, conquering the city from behind.

A powerful military outpost, key to the Spanish Empire and doorway to the riches of the Americas, Puerto Rico had been long coveted by nations for its strategic location. The Spanish spotted an enemy convoy off the coastline on the morning of April 17. Upon this sighting, the Governor, Brigadier General Ramón de Castro, summoned his military Chiefs to immediately put a defense plan into action. Along strategic points throughout the coastline, garrison troops were placed into position. While attempting to maneuver ships into the inlet, the British fleet encountered a problem. There was an underwater reef that was very narrow so that only frigates and smaller transport ships could enter. The British placed two frigates at the opening of the port to deny entrance to other ships. On April 18, anchored British ships began bombarding points where the Spanish had taken defensive positions to protect the beach.

After some minor battles, the British sent a ship flying diplomatic colors to the entrance of the port and was met by an aide-de-camp who was given a message for the Commanding Officer of the city. In the message, they demanded the immediate surrender of Spanish forces. The British ship did not wait for a response, and in some confusion later in the night, a Spanish ship carrying a reply message came under fire

Controlling the port became a chess match as the Spanish fleet mimicked every move by the British armada. The British were able to land many small groups of soldiers along the beach, some of which were German soldiers who were fighting alongside the British. During the day on April 19, two German soldiers were captured. One of the soldiers had in his possession a hand-written paper containing a name of a city resident. The Spanish, fearing a traitor in their ranks, had this man arrested.

The order was given on Friday, April 21 by the Spanish to destroy San Antonio bridge to eliminate an opportunity of the British forces to take cover and advance their position. 

Saturday April 22, the Spanish began taking up defensive positions after noticing large regiments of British flying their colors just out of range of the Spanish cannons. Trenches were dug and spiked boards were emplaced to slow the impending attack.

On Monday, April 24, Militia Sergeant Francisco Diaz was chosen to lead a party of 70 men to attack a British position. They met approximately 300 British soldiers who they were able to force to retreat despite their superior number. The raiding party found a cannon battery and captured fourteen prisoners. The British then staged a counterattack and the Spanish raiding party was forced to flee.

Fierce fighting continued for the next five days. Both sides suffered heavy losses. Against odds, the attackers, larger in number, better disciplined and better trained and armed, were repelled by a much inferior yet much better determined force of defenders. Spanish soldiers, members of the Puerto Rican Fixed Regiment, Puerto Rican Disciplined Militias and citizens valiantly defended San Juan with the impregnable fortifications behind them.

The Englishmen came straight from the isles to fight without first getting properly acclimatized to the harsh tropics, and many inexperienced officers made critical blunders overconfident on their supposed strength in numbers and quality of weaponry, which resulted in unnecessary casualties and low morale.

One after another, ever larger caches of weapons and ammunition, including priceless cannons would be lowered from the English ships and transported into the seemingly empty Puerto Rican sea shores, only to get confiscated by locals well-hidden on the mangroves in surprise ambushes, right in front of the English ships, unable to shot their cannons for fear of killing hundreds of English marines still on the shores.

Despite this, the overwhelming British force, attacking along the coast, where able to land a considerable force at several beaches simultaneously, being to advance and attack on land face to face with locals. But the fact that the invaders arrived away from the populated areas added to the constant ambushes at their supply lines eventually left the invaders mighty strength exhausted, with nothing to eat or drink after 5 days of heavy fight inland, except for coconuts, some sporadic wildlife, or more often stealing from the dead and wounded for their own survival. A total chaos.

After 5 days of countless troops injured by either local machetes or shot in the back by their own English rifles now at the hand of locals whenever swimming back to their boats, on Sunday, April 30, a somewhat depleted British force ceased their attack and began their retreat from San Juan.



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