1878 7TF Morgan Dollar, Reverse of 79: convex chest, slanted arrow.
Broken 4th star.
C2a reverse: thin, long feather at the base of the right wing. 
VAM 212 A2 (formerly 210 B2): Die polish line running diagonally down from the middle of the I to the bottom front of the B in LIBERTY and down into the hair. 2 raised dots just behind the nostril, caused by a rusty die. Die chip error between the 6th and 7th tail feathers.  There are multiple die clash errors: lips, back of lower fold of the cap, ST, N, top of the eagle's right wing, and toward the center of the upper ivy leaves on both sides.   
Clear photos can be found at www.VAMWorld.com
There are also planchet lines on Liberty's cheek.  
The coin is white white.
Luster is good with a strong cartwheel effect. 
There are no spots or specks.