Serbian Old Lady. Serbia. CDV. Sotir Nedeljković Studio. Nisch. Nish.

Sotir Nedeljković was a Serbian photographer from city of Nish. He studied photography in Vienna. He was a good ambient portraitist. Nedeljković's unconventional portraits are particularly interesting. When he took over the studio from Lazar Popović, for a period he used his stock of cardboard - substrates. Sotir Nedeljković entered the Balkan Wars as a sergeant, after the battle near Pristina he was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant of the 2nd Regiment of the Moravian Division. He participated in the First World War as a deputy captain. He actively participated in the social life and work of craft organizations in Nish. A real city photographer, who belonged to the merchant-artisan class. Between the two world wars, he gained the status of court photographer. He owned a film camera "Cinematographe Lumiere", produced in 1896 (factory number 335) and he occasionally shot with it, but the materials have not been preserved. That camera was purchased from his student and successor in the shop of Miroljub Stošić (who also filmed with the mentioned camera) and is one of the most important exhibits of the Yugoslav Konoteka in the collection of film apparatus - cameras.