VOGUE ~ BABY DEAR ~Cloth & Vinyl doll 17-18 inches long.    She has a blue and white cloth Vogue tag on back of her neck. I timidly tried to clean her with soap and water and combed her hair as best I could. Surely more experienced hands could do a better job. There are some marks on her cloth body, but her tee shirt and diaper have kept her pretty clean.   Her hair is choppy and coarse but maybe shampoo and conditioner would help. Her hair color looks to be a dirty blonde color. Her stuffing has settled, so she is very floppy, and there is a signature of the designer on the back of one thigh.

The only issue to report is a minor sliver missing on her nose, but she is so sweet and cuddly, she is meant to be cradled in your arms, and she is a great size to dress- I’ll bet all those beautiful baby clothes would fit her!