The Boys' Own Paper
No. 527 and 528, Vol XI.
Published at the Leisure Hour Office
56 Paternoster Row
London ( England )
February 16 and February 23, 1889

7 3/4" x 10 3/4"
16 + 16 pages. 32 pages in total.

Two consecutive issues of " The Boys Own Paper", published in February, 1889.

These two issues each contain a chapter of " Adrift in the Pacific " by Jules Verne ( 1828 - 1905 ), author of Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under The Seas , etc.
The printing in serial form in The Boy's Own Paper in 1888-1889 was the first appearance in the English language of this Jules Verne novel ( also known as " Two Years Vacation " ).


The Boys Own Paper contained serialized fiction for British youth ( young and teenage boys ), plus some non-fiction content.
First published in January of 1879, it survived until 1967.
Although the content was aimed at boys the paper also had a significant girl readership.
From 1879 to 1897, the paper's supervising editor was James Macaulay (1817-1902), Scottish medical man, journalist and author. Macaulay is also noted for his writings on animal welfare and essays opposing cruelty to animals.


The Contents  :

Fiction : two chapters each of :

Sir Ludar : An Apprentice Story of the Days of Great Queen Bess ( Queen Elizabeth I )

Adrift in the Pacific ; or The Strange Adventures of a Schoolboy Crew
by Jules Verne
( A group of boys find themselves adrift at sea, and after a terrible storm they are cast upon a deserted island, where they must learn to get along together to survive.)

A Marvellous Conquest ; A Story of the Bayouda

Conqueror Compass , or The Days of John Company

Non-fiction :

Autographs and Autograph Collecting
( full-page of facsimiles of signatures of famous leaders , including Horatio Nelson , etc., etc. )

The Boy's Own Model Steam Fire Engine
And How To Make It ( Part IX. )

Nine Men's Morris

( replies to readers' letters )

Cartoon : A Winter Story
Cartoon :  A Game of Chess

( Part V. : Skating in North America , on the Hudson River , Ice Yachting , Show Show Skating )

The Whirlpool and the Waterspout
( Part I. )

Illustrations include :

A horseback ride interrupted by gunfire

The Boys in a boat on a forest river
(" Adrift In The Pacific " )

Splendid Morning ( boys on the shore waving to the bys on the boat )
(" Adrift In The Pacific " )

They reached the rocks on the seashore .
(" Adrift In The Pacific " )

" Forgive me !  Forgive me ! "
( Jack on his knees before Briant , begging for forgiveness )
(" Adrift In The Pacific " )

Boys on stilts and Fan the dog ; shooting waterfowl on the moor.
(" Adrift In The Pacific " )

Conflict in a game of quoits ; a boy accused of cheating.
(" Adrift In The Pacific " )

Boys hour of recreation ; pole-vaulting and rope-climbing.
(" Adrift In The Pacific " )

Boys and dog hunting for food ; the flamingo.
(" Adrift In The Pacific " )

Queen Street Office , Melbourne ( Australia )
(" A Marvelous Conquest ")

Diagrams of parts , model Steam Fire Engine

Ride for Life
( man riding a galloping horse shoots dead a pursuing wolf )

Ice Skates , Snow Shoes
Portraits of champion Ice Skaters

A Snow-Spout
( snowspout , sometimes referred to as a " snownado " )


Condition; good, as-seen in the photos.

Carefully packed for shipment to the buyer.