500g Organic Cordyceps Sinensis Dried Mushroom Chinese Tradition Medicine

Item descriptions: 
  • Cordyceps Mushrooms have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Mostly unknown in the west.

  • Cordyceps is widely held as a beneficial health tonic, used for improving blood flow to the liver and kidneys, fighting against cough, chronic bronchitis and asthma, and has anti-inflammatory properties, an antioxidant, improving sexual function in men by stimulating the production of sex hormones; improving circulation, regulating blood pressure, and strengthening the heart muscle.


Before or After meals

  • Drink 1- 2 times per day.

  • Use  5-8 g. for a cup of hot water ( tea glass or cup.)

  • Add hot water wait  5-8 minutes, (brewed with hot water)


  • Not recommended for children under the age of 14

  • Keep out of reach of children