About shipping and combining orders.

I do my best to list things as they really are weighted and will be shipped but eBay does unfortunately often over estimate. If there is a large discrepancy, I will refund the difference. No questions asked. I will do this automatically. If you need to combine and orders, so as long as you order everything on the same day, you don't even need to let me know. What I will do is, I will combine and orders weigh them. I will purchase shipping and I will refund the difference to you even if it's across multiple orders. I do this all the time and it's fairly simple for me to do once I know what your entire order is. If you've added multiple items from one listing into your cart, again, eBay will overestimate the shipping cost. There's nothing you need to do. I am well aware of this and will refund the difference to you after I pack up the order, weigh and purchase shipping. Please note that even for generally small items I will list things at a minimum of priority mail. I know this might make very small items seem rather expensive to ship but when I was doing it first class, the post office was damaging. my package is so badly of often had to refund the entire amount with no recourse. As such, I know that shipping on smaller items will be a little bit more expensive but, frankly, I can't afford to sell things at a lot because United States. Postal Service bangs them up, and I have to do a full refund. If you want to get around this the best way to do it is to purchase more light items so that they can go into the same package and, once again, I will refund the shipping difference.