43 Unpainted Resin Scenic Bases suitable for Flames Of War

I may use some of these bases later in the year for the Flames of War Imperial Japanese Army.

These bases are more generic than the others and appear less Theatre Specific.

All I need is some tiny tropical plants.

Time to start checking the Chinese eBay accounts for model railroad plant ranges.

Please be aware that the American Airborne D-Day Forces In Normandy 1944 do not form any part of the auction.

They are shown for display and scale purposes only.

American Parachute Rifle Platoon not included.

These Scenic Bases are not new, I think they were purchased around 2006/7.

They have followed me around the world several times and have spent a good few years in my out buildings in London.

I’ve rescued them this year and started to clean them up.

They are great to use but one of the things I’ve noticed over the years is that things like wooden fences, tree limbs/stumps are not complete.

In the early days we used matchsticks to replace the broken ones.

I now add PVA glue to the areas and add green flock to create either shrubs or fencing with vegetation growing over it.

Flock hides a lot of imperfections on my toy soldier scenery and bases.

Please look at the photos.

American Glider Rifle Platoon not included.

I’ve also shown photos of the painted Scenic Bases I painted for the American Rifle Platoon.

These are not part of the auction, they are shown for display and scale purposes only.

These are really easy to use.

Choose the base.

Choose the 15mm miniature to fit the hole.

Super Glue in the hole.

Place the Flames of War miniature in the hole.

Sprinkle very fine sand (silver sand) over the hole that was super glued.

This fills any gaps and secures the 15mm miniature.

When dry spray the platoon.

Paint the miniatures and base.

Add tiny bits of static grass tufts.



I can create and paint a platoon of most infantry units in a week if painted to gaming table standard.

If a blind old git like me can do it, so can everyone.

You may also notice I only use 3 Flames of War miniatures per troop base. This is deliberate, it allows me to create more bases of troops per platoon purchased.

Don’t let it concern you, the guys at Battlefront Europe didn’t notice, and unless it’s pointed out by me very few people even notice it.

You are potentially purchasing 43 Unpainted resin Scenic Bases

3x Artillery bases

10x Heavy Weapons bases

18x troop bases

12x HQ AND Bazooka style bases

43 bases in total.

My customer care service department is currently closed.

I must admit that with my new found moral compass I shall point out that you’ve been complaining to Siri for the last 7 years.

Email address is as follows


Thank you for your patience.

You can phone

07936 93*#77

I don’t know who’s number this is but, well nothing ventured nothing gained.

Overseas customers please contact my overseas customers hotline.

The number is on a post it note in the German KR Case.

Which I sold in 2022.

I would gladly ship these to my brothers and sisters overseas, but I think it’s very likely shipping will cost a great many shiny new pounds sterling.