The Jamaican Dog Blood Bush also known as "inflammation weed" (botanical name Rivina humilis) has been proven to contain anti-inflammatory properties that are used to treat infertility, irregular periods, painful periods, fibroids and cysts in women.

Dog blood is native to the Americas and very short plant bearing red berries and features white flowers. It can also be found in the Caribbean. Jamaican Dog Blood Bush is an herbal tea that is made from the leaves, flowers, berries and stem of the plant.

Dog Blood is also known as; Inflammation weed, Pigeonberry, Blood berry, Rouge plant, Baby peppers, Coralito as well as Baby peppers.

The product is wild-harvested, washed, and air-dried to preserve its natural healing properties.

It has been successfully used in the treatment of wounds, bruises, and cuts and prevents wounds from becoming infected.

Dog Blood Bush  relieves headaches and general pains. Dog Blood Bush has been successfully used for treating pain and headaches, resolve skin conditions such as eczema, rash, psoriasis. resolve gastrointestinal problems.

Dog Blood Bush is also used to resolve respiratory complaints, specifically in the treatment of catarrh, also coughs, colds, and fever.

Dog Blood Bush  has also been touted as successful in treating prostate problems.

Research also shows it has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.