DCI Vera Stanhope (Brenda Blethyn) makes a strong return in the twelfth series of Vera, packed full of murderous intrigue across four exciting new episodes. DS Aiden Healy (Kenny Doughty) is once again by her side, as are her intrepid and diligent team of detectives, Kenny (Jon Morrison), Jac (Ibinabo Jack) and Mark (Riley Jones). With a bittersweet farewell to trusted pathologist Doctor Malcolm Donahue (Paul Kaye) at the start of the series, Vera is joined by the vibrant, eager and brilliant Doctor Paula Bennett (Sarah Kameela Impey). Vera isn't quite sure what to make of Paula at first as she's a bit of a whirlwind. Paula is brilliant at what she does but occasionally needs reminding that not everyone's brain works at the same rate that her's does.

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