The genres: Historic prose
The characteristics: The War AdventureПриключенческое Psychological
Place of action: Our world (Earth)(Russia/USSR/Russia - Asia(The Middle East - Central Asia)
Duration of operation: Later the Middle Ages / The Renaissance
Age of the reader: Any other
The story: Linear-parallel

The description
The star of Samarkand Sergey Borodin was the result of a deep study of the author of history, life and morals of the peoples of the East. The hero of the novel by the Lever Timur, one of the most brutal conquerors in the history of mankind, was called the Lord of the Universe. His life, full of tense events, has left a deep mark in the history of both Central Asia and many other countries. The novel develops on a broad historical background. Timur-Tamerlan defeated the hordes of the Horde, turned the fortresses of many states into the ruins, and captured the cities of India and Iran. The young Russian state, the reaping fruits of the glorious victory of Dmitry Donsky on the Kulikno zero, confidently strengthened in these years.