Then nightly sings the staring owl: "Tu-who; Tu whit, Tu who". William Shakespeare
elegantly portrayed one of our most fascinating birds when he wrote that verse. The 
Tawny Owl is perhaps the most nocturnal of all European owls and the distinctive
night-time hooting is firmly established in our heritage. The Tawny is the most common
owl in this country, though absent from Ireland. Although they primarily inhabit rural woodand 
terrain many have now taken up residence in urban areas. Broad leaf or mixed forestry
is the preferred habitat  and the diet is comprehensive and variable depending on the
environment. Rurally small rodents mice, voles etc. urban, small birds like sparrows,
and starlings. 
This figurine by Ray Ayres followed a survey of BFAs members to choose a subject and
overwhelmingly a Tawny Owl won, this model resulted.
It was very popular then and still is now, this example is in very good, rather like new
condition, there are no issues at all, as clean and fresh as the day it left Langholm.
I have listed other Owl models, - Short Eared and Little at the same time as this ,
please browse through my listings to see if they remain and thanks for looking.