Item description from the seller

Ocular Prosthesis Dark Brown Artificial Eye Prosthetic Ocular With Safety Case


Artificial eye (ocular prosthesis) is a concave shell made from unbreakable acrylic resin or cryolite glass.
 Artificial eyes are intricately painted to match a natural eye. While they look very real, they do not allow the wearer to see.
Prosthetic eye is generally made of hard, plastic acrylic. The prosthetic eye is shaped like a shell.

Assorted Sizes : 22mm, 24mm, 26mm

An artificial eye is a replacement for a natural eye lost because of injury or disease. Although the replacement cannot provide sight, it fills the cavity of the eye socket and serves as a cosmetic enhancement. Before the availability of artificial eyes, a person who lost an eye usually wore a patch. An artificial eye can be attached to muscles in the socket to provide eye movement.

At the conclusion of the surgery, the surgeon will place a conformer (a plastic disc) into the socket. The conformer prevents shrinking of the socket and retains adequate pockets for the prosthesis. Conformers are made out of silicone or hard plastic. After the surgery, it takes the patient from four to six weeks to heal. The artificial eye is then made and fitted by a professional ocularist.
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