Here we have Henry, he is the spirit of a 38 year old male who has been residing in this vessel for at least 2 years.  I purchased him at a paranormal convention in Texas and the woman who I bought him from told me that she had been communicating with him for years and was able to find out that he was originally from Colorado, and passed away in his 60's.  He is very private regarding his  passing however she said that it was likely by way of drowning.  I have fostered Henry for 6 months and have been able to spend hours on end investigating his story.  He told me on the Board that he had a daughter who was an adult (20's), and she passed peacefully years ago and that they visit with each other now.  I have felt a female presence during communicating with him, and I believe it is his daughter(she is an adult).  He stays, she comes and goes.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE Henry and his daughter because they were just good hard working people.  They did not have much, but they had just what they needed, love and support from their family.  Henry can be a jokester, and he likes to rattle dishes after they have been washed and placed into the dish holder.  Henry will do well in a home where someone will burn incense, he reacts well to this and I get great communication from him when burning candles and incense.  He is an  intelligent spirit and has called me by my full name on the Box.  Other ways I have been able to communicate with him are of course my favorites: dowsing rods, spirit box, Board, cat balls, and trigger objects.  I tend to get the word "hammer" a lot on the Spirit Box and I still have not quite determined what that means (if he was a handy man, or loved to work with hammers, I am not sure).  I have seen Henry in full on apparition form, one night I went down stairs to the restroom and get some water, and I saw him there in the hall.  He was wearing jeans and a button up shirt and black hat.  I blinked and he was gone, ran to get my investigation equipment and was able to get all sorts of EMF spikes all over the area I saw him, which I never get spikes in that area!  This is by far one of the most intense spiritual encounters that I have had.

Henry is harmless as a fly, he does like to be talked to and seen from time to time (obviously) but he does not want to or intend on scaring anyone.  He is fair with men, women, and children, and would do well in most homes.

THE ACTUAL DOLL:  this is a vintage 1973 ventriloquist doll that you will receive in the mail.  This doll is believed to be haunted and the buyer assumes all responsibilities.