Purchased by myself as a Photo Equipment resale item, because it was a great value for my asking price! 

I.              ITEM:  Nikon Reflex Nikkor 500/8 C #578231 <1983, 9+++

        Very close to Mintish- condition, outside and inside optics are perfect. I doubt it was used much, no visible scratches. No haze, no fungus. Perfect for moon shooting on aps-c digital, will yield a image of super sharpness. It's a reflex lens with a good reputation.  Connected to a nikkor tc_200, great on full frame mirrorless digital, filling most of frame. Do a search on net, see all the cool stacking techniques. You must use a strong tripod to reduce any camera shake, remember 10x power > w/ tc-200 teleconverter, tripod must reduce shake, or use 1/2000th shutter. The secret to these lenses is fast shutter speeds. Focuses to 13 feet, very smooth. Enjoy!