Daphnia magna-Water Fleas-live food indoor culture clean parasite free + live greenwater culture Starter + daphnia food

This listing contains 1,000+ daphnia in all life stages plus a container of live chlorella sp freshwater Phytoplankton to feed your culture to produce constant live food for your fish.

Unlike most outdoor cultures that could contain Harmfull pests like hydra, damsel fly larva and dragonfly larva, I do all my culturing indoors in seald containers. This prevents the possibility of build up of harmful fungus that could be transmitted to your precious fish.

Overall, daphnia is an amazing live food for smaller freshwater fish, especially picky eaters, it can make fish display brighter colors, be used medicinally to treat bloat, and even be used to eradicate pest phytoplankton.

Because they are a live food, Daphnia activate a fish's instinct to hunt. Overfeeding Daphnia to aquarium fish will not pollute aquarium water because they will live until eaten later on. It costs much less to provide Daphnia to your fish.

All orders are shipped out on Monday to prevent overnight stay at the post office on weekends.

In the unfortunate event of a doa please provide me with pictures of the un oppend bag within one hour of delivery.